

In order to maintain consistency and stability in quality and to answer customer demands and needs, we carry out the extrusion of our PP tape and PP multiflament yarns of different resistance qualities and specifications in our own facility.  The high resistant yarns produced here are used in the weaving of various fabrics.


Trial reports are created for raw materials which pass the quality control and once approved PP, PE, UV and Antisplit paint are weighed on automatical scales for  dosing purposes. Then they are lowered to feeding furnace to enter the extruder, afterwards they pass through the cooling pool where they are shocked and go on to razor cutting to be cut in stripes and are turned into yarns.  

The yarns are furnaced at 160-165 degrees and passed through hot oil cylinders (to gain resistance) before passing through the cooling cylinders and reaching the quality control stage. After width, resistance, denier controls are carried out, the approved yarns are reeled.



PP fabrics with different qualifications are produced with proper raffia tapes extruded with relevant resistance and specification. Raffia tape yarns used in weaving are extruded with maximum strength and flexibility.


PP Multiflament Extrusion


PP multiflament yarn extrusion is used in the production of soft textured materials and in the production of additives for concrete reinforcement.


The yarn structure is consists of two or more filament yarns twisted together. In our own production the PP multifilament yarns used in loop weaving as weft look softer.



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